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Time to change - time to cook!

Tallrik med frestande frukost

Our goal with this courses was simple. A place where youth can meet no matter their background to cook together and in the end of the day to have a open space to share a meal and their perspective of life. With the cooking classes we also expected to encourage people to have better and healthier eating habits, but also to raise awareness about the fact that food is one of the elements that contribute the most to climate change.

And why is this important?

Integration is important and food connects people! In a world where screens and technology have a main role, is important to practice how to be social in a one-to-one way. Cooking and eating brings people together, break down walls and offers a free zone where we can share, get inspired, learn and connect. Trough their different backgrounds they shared different recipes and create bounds trough food and learned from each other. Most of the people don't know how easy is to cook healthy food in a sustainable way and learning how to do it will be good for us and for the planet. Besides, when you learn cooking you create a stronger relationship with food and you value it better.

SMICE har bistått med kontaktnät och administrativt stöd under projektet.

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